This book began many years ago with the suggestion of my good friend, fellow photographer, and camping buddy, John Marriott. Since then, the assistance of many others has propelled this project to completion. For their advice and counsel, many thanks to Edward Bachand, Marguerite Bachand, Philip Bachand, Thérèse Bachand, Malcolm Margolin, Doug McConnell, Ellen Sasaki, and Larry Sultan. Victoria Bradshaw at the Phoebe Hearst Museum of Anthropology and Drew Heath Johnson of the Oakland Museum of California assisted with the historical photography. Robert Hass kindly made his poetry available. Thanks to Victor Naranjo and Hasselblad USA, Russell Brown and Adobe Systems, and Maxtor for facilitating image production and processing.
We all owe a debt to those providing the science that is saving Lake Tahoe. Among them here: Dr. Charles Goldman of the Tahoe Research Group; Dr. John Reuter, Dr. Geoffrey Schladow, and Heather Segale at the Tahoe Environmental Research Center; Dr. Alan Heyvaert of the Desert Research Institute; and, at the USDA Forest Service, Dr. Patricia Manley of the Sierra Nevada Research Center and Dr. Jo Ann Fites of the Adaptive Management Services Enterprise Team.
Many thanks to Alan Rapp, my editor at Chronicle Books who shepherded this project to publication and our editorial and design team of Bridget Watson-Payne, Jennifer Pierce, and Leon Yu.
While only a few are mentioned here, I owe a large debt of gratitude to the many people who have supported my photography over the years and lent moral support to my creative endeavors. Kathryn Kowalewski's patience and creative intuitions have marshaled new directions. Grey Crawford has been both a friend and mentor throughout my career. Anne Candia will always remain in my thoughts for her accomplishments as an educator and belief in the realm of possibility and all things creative. Foremost, I would like to thank my parents, Dorothy and Clifford Bachand, and my family. They will forever inhabit my memories of Lake Tahoe and without their continued support this project would have never come to fruition.