Super Blue Blood Snow Moonset


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This sequence of a rare Super Blue Blood Snow Moon was taken on January 31, 2018 between 5:00AM and 6:40AM as the moon was setting at dawn. A super moon is the name given to a full moon occurring at the closest point to the earth in the lunar orbit. On the occasion when there are two full moons in a calendar month, the second is called a blue moon. A blood moon refers to the optical effect during a lunar eclipse, where only the red spectrum of light, filtered by the earth’s atmosphere, illuminates the lunar surface. A snow moon is a full moon that occurs during February, the middle of Winter in the Northern Hemisphere.

Storm on Mt. Tallac

Storm on Mt. Tallac. Lake Tahoe, California.

Storm on Mt. Tallac. Lake Tahoe, California.

This image is part of my long term study of the Lake Tahoe region. More of my Tahoe work can be found at Lake Tahoe photography. For more on my best-selling monograph, visit Lake Tahoe: A Fragile Beauty (Chronicle Books).

For information on this image, including archival print purchase, contact me with the title of this post.

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